Thursday, June 24, 2010

This is our anniversary dinner at the hotel restaurant.
This in the Thai Ronald McDonald giving the traditional Buddhist welcome

These are the taxis-tiny trucks

Elephant Palace where we saw a great show

Thai Disney World (Fantasea)

Parasailing on the beach. They did this all over the beach-you pay and they came to you.

Steve really enjoys the beach

The jellyfish there were very big and poisonous. I only saw one in the water. I couldn't tell the jellyfish from the trash floating in the water.

Here I am. Alot of the beach is rocky and scenic. there are piles of trash on both sides of me that you can't see.
On Sunday, the third day of our holiday, I called the desk and had them transport us to breakfast because my legs were giving out. The sky was black and threatening rain. You could see sheets of rain moving over the sea. We had the same conversation with the non-English speaking chef and the buffet was the same. That morning we enjoyed watching a Japanese woman and two males at the table next to us. The yellow cat appeared for his usual morning begging but one of the males was very put out. I think he was allergic. That made him more attractive to the cat. When the cat wouldn't leave him alone, he finally moved to anothe table. The cat followed him. Finally a waitress shooed him away. We were all laughing!
We took the shuttle down to ther beach again. Our 'man' saw us coming and set up our umbellas. He watched our stuff when we walked down the beach. we got caught in a rain shower and he rushed over and covered up our stuff. It sprinkled on and off. There were very few tourist on the beach that day so we were bothered extra hard by people selling stuff. For lunch we decided to walk downtown and discovered a nice, clean Mcdonalds. The workers loved to practice their English with us and their faces were all painted with soccer country flags to show team spirit. After lunch we found some postcards. When we discovered there was no toilet paper in the public beach bathroom, we decided to return to the hotel because the clouds had set in. We found a red taxi near by and rode back to the hotel. Then the hotel took us up to our room. We spent a hour in the hotel pool outside our room-private almost. For dinner we went to the Thai restaurant at the bottom of the hill. Steve's food lit him on fire but I had the American version .
That was the end of our third day. Donna


  1. Aww, you and Dad look really happy. Especially in front of the McDonalds, haha. Plans for the weekend?

  2. Looks like fun - what an anniversary! You guys look fantastic!!
